THC and CBD are both cannabinoids derived from the cannabis plant, but they’re different in many ways that may influence your next purchase here at Sativa Sisters. Learn more about them below then come visit us to test your new knowledge!
"THC and CBD are the two most active, most well-known and most studied cannabinoids in marijuana.
Researchers first isolated THC in the 1960s as the main psychoactive compound in cannabis– meaning THC gets you “high”. It was cannabis-research, in fact, which led to scientists’ discovering an entire neurochemical system in the human body — the endocannabinoid system — which helps regulate appetite, mood, sleep and other crucial functions. CBD, although discovered before THC, is now the more recent focus for therapeutic potential. Possible clinical uses for CBD include treatment for mental health disorders, neurological disorders and even direct destruction of tumor cells." -
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Interested in THC free CBD's? Visit Amsterdam Coffee Club, right next door to Sativa Sisters. CLICK HERE to learn more!